The Twenty-Four Elders of Revelation Listed By Name

The specific names of each of the twenty-four elders of Revelation[1] are as follows:

  1. Judah                             13. Peter
  2. Reuben                          14. Andrew
  3. Gad                                15. James
  4. Asher                             16. John
  5. Naphtali                        17. Philip
  6. Manasseh                     18. Bartholomew
  7. Simeon                          19. Matthew
  8. Levi                                20. Thomas
  9. Issachar                         21. James the son of Alphaeus
  10. Zebulun                         22. Simon the Zealot
  11. Joseph                            23. Thaddeus
  12. Benjamin                       24. Matthias or Paul

This list is simply the combination of the Hebrew patriarchs (Rev. 7:5-8) and the The Twelve (Matt. 10:2-4).  The number twelve is often used in the Bible to signify perfection of governance.  Examples include twelve months in a year, twelve hours in a day (John 11:9), the twelve pillars erected at Mt. Sinai and the Promised Land (Ex. 24:4; Jos. 1:4-9), twelve Hebrews selected to conduct the census (Num. 1:2-16), twelve legions of angels (Matt. 26:53) and twelve types of fruit on the Trees of Life (Rev. 22:2).  Investigate more examples in Gen. 49:28; 1 Kgs. 7:25; Num. 7:10-83, 13:1-15; Luke 2:41; Matt. 10:2-4; Rev. 7:4; 21:12; and 21:16-17.

Israel’s Biblical government is based upon the twelve sons of Jacob making up the twelve tribes (Gen. 49:28).  The church (i.e. the Body of Christ) was first organized around twelve apostles (Acts 1-2; Eph. 2:19-20).  Therefore the twelve that represent the government of Israel plus the twelve that represent the government of the Church equals twenty-four elders.

There exists differing lists of the twelve patriarchs over the twelve tribes in Scripture.  Therefore, the list found in Revelation 7:5-8 is preferred as it represents the final and presumably purified version.

Naturally, Judas is not on this list as he went to Hell (Acts 1:25).  Matthias was chosen by the rest of The Twelve to replace Judas (Acts 1:26).  Matthias is unique in that he was the only member of The Twelve not directly chosen by Jesus.  However, Paul was directly chosen by Jesus to be His apostle (Acts 9:1-31; 26:12-18; Rom. 1:1).  It is for this reason that it is surmised by many that Paul was the actual replacement for Judas.  A conclusion is not affirmed here but the possibility needs to be acknowledged.

In addition to this thesis that does well in surviving Occam’s razor, the book of Revelation provides sufficient evidence in interpreting itself on this matter.  In the description of the New Jerusalem the reader learns that there are twelve gates with twelve angels on the city.  The twelve angels have names written on them after the twelve tribes of the sons (i.e. patriarchs) of Israel (Rev. 21:12).  The wall of the New Jerusalem has twelve foundation stones and on them are the twelve names of the apostles of the Lamb (Rev. 21:14).  These two groups of twelve names make up the total government of the people of God.

The primary argument among some Biblical literalists[2] is that the twenty-four elders represent the Body of Christ only.  This is because they are said to have crowns (Rev. 4:4; 4:10).  For reasons that cannot be covered here the crowns are often (and rightly) understood to be awards presented at the Judgment Seat of Christ (or bema seat) (2 Cor. 5:10).  Therefore, it is argued that only those baptized into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit are to be at this judgment and receive awards.

As strong as this view is it does not necessitate that Hebrew patriarchs will not also at some point be given crowns.  For the crowns likely signify place in the kingdom (Matt. 25:21; Rev. 3:11-12; 3:21).  And it is clear that some Old Testament saints will have powerful offices in the kingdom.  For example, Jacob will see nations bow before him (Gen. 27:29), David will be a king once again and an under-shepherd to Messiah (Jer. 30:9; Hos. 3:5; Is. 55:3-4; Ez. 34:23-24; 37:24), the Judges of Israel will resume their roles (Is. 1:26), etc.

A notable objection with this list is that it would result in John seeing himself in Heaven.  However, John was taken up to Heaven to see things that were yet future (Rev. 4:1).  Given that the future John in Heaven would have a glorified body (Phil. 3:21), the earlier version of John would likely not have even recognized him.  As incredible as it may seem, John may have even interacted with his future self (Rev. 5:5).

This theory as to the identities of the twenty-four elders is derived from the plainest Biblical evidence available.  Its strength is that it requires the least amount of complexity in answering a difficult problem satisfactorily.

Let the reader note that this author is not affirming the names on this list as certain truth.  The only way this could be done is if Scripture actually provided the names and directly linked them with the elders.  Also, the treatment here is hardly meant to be exhaustive.  The post is intended as a starting point for more research and consideration.  Ultimately, this is simply a theory that happens to fit the facts.

[1]The twenty-four elders are referenced in chapters four, five and nineteen.

[2] Arguments from other camps are of no interest here in that they do not approach Scripture utilizing a normative hermeneutic.  This article is only considering the matter, “in house.”


  1. S.H. JOSEPH says


    • Debra A Hart says

      How could John be on Earth in a vision of what he seeing in heave, AND sitting as an elder? This does not sound right.

      • Matthew Ervin says

        Because it’s a vision of a future event.

        • Ernest solution says

          So you mean the vision he was just future events…
          Meaning the four living creatures, the elders and the throne will be in the future

          • Matthew Ervin says

            These events take place in the future, though that doesn’t mean that the creatures and the throne don’t match the description in the past/current age.

          • Nonhlanhla says

            Rev 21:10-it was a vision(was carried in the Spirit by Jesus)

      • Carol Rose says

        The Bible states that John was taken into Heaven in the Spirit

        • Mary Robertson says

          This article does satisfy my mind as to the future possibilities. Never mind those that lack faith to understand that there is a future for all as TIME DOES NOT STOP. ETERNITY AWAITS AS IT GROWNS IN PAINS OF MAN’S ABUSES TO OUR ONLY PLANET MOTHER EARTH. WHEN WILL WE STOP THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR ONLY PLANET FOR LIFE?

          • Just to be sure you know… God will be the ultimate source of the destruction of our planet and then will create a new Jerusalem and a new earth. I don’t negate that we should care and take care of, but, we will not be it’s destruction.

          • John H. Frazier says

            Brach attah adoni elheom melech ha-olam , Bless be our lord king of the universe. We don’t destroy dear evil does .

      • If the apostles were 12 of the 24… wouldn’t John have recognized them or at least himself?

  2. Ofori atta says

    I want angels name for my daughter

  3. I hope we all agree to the fact that God declares the end from the beginning

  4. George Godliveth says

    Thank u very much sir. God bless u sir. For sharing this deep revelation to the Body of Christ. More Grace for u sir. And I pray that the eyes of Believers will be open to see it the way God sees it. The End from the Beginning. Hmmmm! I love that. I always learnt to speak the End of the Beginning. Thank u Pastor Matthew Ervin. Love u. Smile.

    • Matthew Ervin says

      Thank you very much for the encouragement sir. Many blessings to you.

      • ryniqueka Love Blount says

        Here’s more encouragement. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer and we pray that we want God’s kingdom to come and his will be done on Earth as it is in heaven what God wants us to open our spiritual eyes to see we are praying for is for him to manifest what he has in heaven for us down here on Earth. And in order for our spiritual eyes in our understanding to see that we have to know that God is Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end. Our circumstances in our situations we go through are not new to God He has already provided us with the provision in Heaven to help us on earth. So I’m saying that to say that God could have snow the end at the beginning in order for us to do the work that he needs to do in the Kingdom. If that makes sense.

  5. This list can be wrong. Workers are not kings, these elders are kings. Each king has his own people. None of the sons of Israel had their own people, nor those sons of Jacob were born of the Spirit of God. Romans 8:28. Or they are not yet! Dead souls’ sins cannot be removed or purified but be clothed with a robe of righteousness at most. Forerunners may not be the generals. As in the Bibles, they did not build up their own kingdoms. Kingship cannot be given without merits or achievements and a divine order. 12 disciples were named as the foundations of the new city. Yet, none of them were promised to sit the thrones as Jesus said, it is the will of God, not his.

    • Matthew Ervin says

      First, as a member of the Godhead, Jesus Himself is God. Second, the apostles were, in fact, promised that they would sit on the twelve thrones of Israel in Matthew 19:28. Also, note that in general the saints are given the option to sit next to Jesus on His throne (Rev 3:21).
      Further reading:

      • You did not answer my questions at all. on Titus institute, it writes that 1. 12 for Jewish believers; 12 for gentile believers. That you listed twelve sons of Jacob as elders was wrong.
        it seems that you are lack of spiritual insight but based on scriptures mainly. Letters kill but the Spirit saves. Pray the Lord will open your eyes and mind to more spiritual things and understandings.
        in John 15, Jesus said, ” The Spirit of Truth will teach you everything in Truth.” Do you agree and believe what He said?

        • Matthew Ervin says

          To be frank with you, it was hard to even understand your comments and any possible/cogent question from them. Even here I don’t know what you mean by phrases such as, “on Titus institute . . .” I’ll try and answer you again—briefly. “Elder” refers primarily to the head of a community, family, or tribe. Obviously, this appropriately fits the father of a tribe of Israel. All who trusted in YHWH in the Old Testament were saved (see Gen 15:6). You criticize my reasoning for “being based on scriptures mostly.” So you believe we should avoid looking to Scripture to interpret Scripture? “The “letter kills” (not “letters” plural) as it is used in 2 Corinthians 3:6 refers to being condemned for breaking one of the Laws in the Mosaic Covenant. It hardly condemns using Scripture to understand Scripture. Yes, of course I agree with Jesus. But agreeing with Jesus is quite different than agreeing with your bizarre opinions.
          Now, I have a few questions for you. First, you wrote in your first comment, “12 disciples were named as the foundations of the new city. Yet, none of them were promised to sit the thrones as Jesus said, it is the will of God, not his.” First question: are you claiming that Jesus didn’t promise the apostles thrones at His side? If so then you are denying the authority of the Messiah. If you meant that Jesus never made such a promise, then you are denying His plain words in Matthew 19:28. Second, do you deny that Jesus is God? Third, would you have directly insulted me if done so in person and not behind a computer screen?

          • terri alisha says

            the 12 will be chosen of GOD by whom Jesus Christ has sent to him. You are looking at the genealogy in one direction
            excellent work on all

  6. If that is the list,what about Abraham, Moses, Elijah,John the Baptist ?ahhh. I don’t think they are the 24 elders

    • Matthew Ervin says

      They aren’t heads of the twelve tribes nor apostles.

    • I was thinking the same thing…where’s abraham, moses, noah etc…..

      • Matthew Ervin says

        The article explains why the list is as it is. Other great saints in history are not spoken of in the narrative that directly deals with the twenty-four elders. That doesn’t mean they are excluded from places of prominence in the Kingdom.

  7. Matthew 19:28 clearly includes judas not Matthias or Paul for Jesus spoke of the present and future and Judas didn’t go to hell, where is it written he went to hell????

  8. 24 elders are 24 tirthankars(god) of jainism ,u can also google jainism is oldest religion in world

  9. Amos oboyibo says

    Am greatful to read and part of Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Lord Jesus save the world.

  10. chika samson says

    Why is Abraham moses Joseph not there

    • Matthew Ervin says

      Because this concerns the heads of the tribes and the apostles. Joseph is represented by his son Manasseh (see Gen 48:9-22).


        Great work Mart. I pray for more discernment for you to enlighten this worldly church

      • Thanks for the good work sir, but if you say Joseph is represented by Manasseh, who then represents Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Elisha and so on?

        • Matthew Ervin says

          Manasseh is one of the tribes of Joseph as he is Joseph’s son. The others you mention aren’t tribal heads, and so are not part of this group. They will undoubtedly having major roles in the messianic kingdom and eternal state however.

  11. Cheryl A Scott says

    I go by the Bible and the Bible only. You have take some verse to make what you said a possibility. If the 12 Elders were the people you are stating I believe the Bible would state so. How do you know if the LORD has not created other worlds and the 12 elders are from them. Maybe they are the Sons of GOD mention in Job 1 and 2? I prefer facts not presumption as you are presenting in this.

    • Matthew Ervin says

      Are your comments meant to be ironic? You speculate about the elders being from other worlds, which is ridiculous on its’ face (Job isn’t referenced here at all). Meanwhile, my position has Revelation 21:12, 14 in its’ favor, which is strong evidence.

    • Bonnie Gill says

      It is best to leave the names of the 24 elders as the Bible describes them. John did not recognize them in his vision or give them names. We do not know for certain any more about God’s creation than the Bible gives us. There may be other creatures than what Genesis provides, but we do not have evidence other than fossels of earthly extinct ones.

      • Matthew Ervin says

        Where do you read that John didn’t recognize the elders? That’s something you added to the text. While what wasn’t added is the fact that we have good internal evidence for who the elders are. Please engage with Revelation 21:12, 14.

  12. These are not the 24 cherubim and seraphim, your site is a fake

  13. Nwosu Chikaosolu Lynn says

    I was hoping to see the old prophets there on the list.

  14. An interesting thread, Matthew Ervin, and lots to ponder from those commenting as well. Quick question sir: It is said that Enoch & Elijah went straight to heaven without having to experience death. Would their heavenly station/positions be somehow higher than the 24 elders listed? Just curious, and more than that am grateful that all believers will reign with our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ someday.

    • Matthew Ervin says

      Thank you for the comment. I couldn’t say what status Enoch and Elijah will have in the kingdom–though I’m certain it’s a high one. I do think Elijah will die as one of the two witnesses in Revelation 11.


    Hi Martin, I am thankful to God for the insight he has given you. Most Christians today fail to learn and allow discernment to engulf them
    Only listening to divers doctrines and pleasing stories. I encourage all to try and
    Refer to teachings of William Marrion Branham. It does help.
    God bless you Mart. More love..

  16. My friend this is completely wrong. The sons of Jacob are not the among the 24 elder. Reason others were cursed and no cursed will enter heaven. If Enoch was raptured to heaven alive, Abraham was a father of Faith, Isaac was a friend of God that that even God refered Himself as the fear of Isaac, Jacob spoke with God face to face. Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua samwel and other powerful servants of Yahweh are not in your list. Then how can the disciples of Christ can be elders? Don’t mislead us

    • Matthew Ervin says

      Please reword your comment. I cannot respond unless I can understand what you argument/point is. Thank you.

  17. Ramon Kauhiwaionalani Garza says

    No where in the Bible are the names of the 24 Elders in Revelations 4 named. You can assume, but you can’t say 100% they are the 12 Apostles and the 12 Tribes.

    • Matthew Ervin says

      Of course I couldn’t say with ontological certitude. Where did I say I could? But read the article again and note that I did more than assume–I looked to the internal evidence of Revelation itself.

  18. I respectfully disagree with your reasoning because it is legalistic, superficial reading and Revelation is a prophetic book, written in old testament/ covenant language and it needs to be interpreted according to the nature of the New Covenant, spiritual. There is no Jews and Church division. Both are one in Christ.

    Revelation 7: 4 John hears and v9 he sees. Same group of people. Just like in Chapter 5: 5 one of the elders says to John Behold the Lion of Judah and in v6 John sees a Lamb as it had been slain.

    • Matthew Ervin says

      How is what I argued for either “legalistic” or “superficial”? Revelation essentially covers unfilled prophecies and organizes them. The prophecies of the OT alluded to must be looked to according to in their context, and then one must ask how the original audience would have taken them. Books that use much symbolism are still subject to a normative hermeneutic. By your own admission, you argue that Revelation must be interpreted in a “spiritual” manner. I reject this approach. It essentially means nothing in that the reader can come to all sorts of conclusions instead of taking the words as having real meaning in their context.

      What is your point in your second paragraph?

  19. The 24 elders would be those raised with Christ plus Enoch, Elijah and Moses. And Elijah cannot die because of Christ he now immortal. The two witnesses are the Holy Spirit and the word of God/ Bible.

    My understanding.

    • Matthew Ervin says

      Please provide some Scriptural evidence for your claims. 1) Why are the twenty-four elders people raised with Jesus, and Enoch, Elijah, and Moses? 2)Why is Elijah now immortal? Where does the text ever say this? And if the Lord sends him to earth in a mortal body to fulfill prophecy, what is the problem with that? 3) Explain how two described people are actual one member of the Godhead and the other is the Bible. That makes no sense in any normal reading of Revelation 11. How can the Holy Spirit die? How does one kill a book?

    • Nobody was raised with Christ. Many came out of their graves AFTER the resurrection and witnessed to many and returned to their graves. No witnesses saw anyone but Jesus’ ascension.

      Just like Samuel was summoned out of his grave by Saul and the witch at Endor it’s possible to be raised and return to sleep.

      When John went to heaven in the spirit almost 60 years after Christ’s ascension, he saw nobody but the elders, Christ, the 4 living creatures and angels.

      Joel 2:16 states the order of the raptured- yes, there are 6 mentioned in the book of Revelation. Elders first, then the children of God- including baby Christians willing to lay down their lives.

      Rev 4- 24 elders (this happened 1 Nisan 2023)
      Rev 7- the martyred Church (except for a select group of 144k early church martyrs) Sept 18-21 2024 Leah represents the church/Esther
      Rev 11- Moses & Elijah Feast of Trumpets 2028
      REV 14- The 144,000 in 2032
      Rev 15- Repentant Israel and other Christians- Passover 2032 Rachel represents the unfaithful
      REV 18:4- alive and remaining behind until after the wedding (Luke 12:36) the concubines

  20. Susan Baison says

    thank you soo much @ Matthew Ervin you have opened my eyes this was very helpful .May God continue using you for us.

  21. Matthew, you gave reasonable responses to objections. Thank you for displaying gentleness & patience. I agree with what you reasoned about the 24 Elders. As for the two witnesses, the Word simply says both Enoch & Elijah was taken by God. Taken for another purpose? That higher purpose may be to fulfill the two witnesses in Revelation. At that point, both of them will eventually face death and resurrection. Thanks for your insight on a difficult question of the 24 and your use of scripture to interpret scripture.

    • Matthew Ervin says

      Thank you brother.

    • Elijah was already dying. The chariots of Israel took him the same way they took Elisha when he was dying. Enoch was no more because he died. The Lord is capable of placing your body anywhere. No man has seen the Father save the Son.

  22. Jennell Mator says

    I believe the 24 elders are simply the 12 apostles and the 12 disciples…..

  23. These presumptions are absolutely wrong and heretical. None of Jacob’s 12 sons were Elders in any community involving a wedding of a king.

    Ruben lost his inheritance for sleeping with his stepmom.

    Simeon plotted with Levi to kill Joseph.

    Judah plotted to sell Joseph.

    Jesus was the capstone the cornerstones rejected. The first four sons of Jacob were the cornerstones. These were replaced by the first four disciples- Peter, Andrew, James and John.

    John did not see himself as one of the 24 Elders or he would have made it clear “then I saw myself and my brethren” which he did not.

    Do you mean to tell me that Noah wouldn’t be one when he was perfect in all his generations?

    Do you mean to tell me job- whose name means persecuted one- and was righteous among all the men of the Earth was not an elder?

    Do you mean that Joshua and his two agents (that said that they could overtake the Giants in Jericho) who suffered outside in the wilderness for 40 more years because of the lack of faith of the other nine- they are not Elders either?

    Do you mean that David- who slayed a giant was not an elder? The same David who Christ himself has the key of? The same David that Jesus says He is the root and offspring of?

    Do you mean that Abraham who first went into covenant with God- who was the first one to have bread and wine with Jesus when he came as Melchizedek- is not an elder? You do know that Melchizedek was the king of the City of Salem, right? You know the word for City in Hebrew is jeru, right? Jeru Salem? Does anybody pay attention in class?

    Do you mean that Daniel the Prophet is not one of the 24 elders? How about the other prophets? How about the ones who never took wives because they were totally devoted to the Lord? How about some of the Old Testament prophets who were slain in righteousness like Abel?

    You do know that most of Jesus disciples came from the tribe of Judah, right? There were only a few that were from other tribes. Think about it-Peter and Andrew were brothers. James and John were brothers. Judas was from the tribe of Judah also.

    The 24 Elders are going to be two porters at each gate.

    Before you write articles like this you need to get your facts straight. We can’t go making random assumptions. If the 12 disciples were there John would have made that clear.

    In Revelation 7 one of the elders asked John where the multitude of people in white robes came from. John called him sir. Did John call anybody else sir? These Elders apparently didn’t know where all the tribulation Martyrs were coming from.

    You’re going to have to dig a lot deeper before writing articles like this.


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    The Twenty-Four Elders of Revelation Listed By Name

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