Millennial Views Following the Ante-Nicene Church: Postmillennialism and Conclusion – Part 4

POSTMILLENNIALISM In the late 17th century, the Unitarian Daniel Whitby (1638-1726) developed a new alternative to both Premillennialism and Amillennialism: Postmillennialism.[1]  Just as the name suggests, Postmillennialism is the belief that Jesus will return after the thousand years of Revelation 20.  In this scheme, the Millennium, whether literal or figurative for a long period, is […]

Millennial Views Following the Ante-Nicene Church: Augustine and Amillennialism – Part 2

AUGUSTINE Augustine was the bishop of Hippo, living from AD 354 to 430.  He remains a vaunted theologian, having a profound influence on Christianity in the West in his day and later on Roman Catholics and Protestants alike.  Augustine serves as the cardinal figure in the turning away from Premillennialism.  He once held to the […]

A Biblical Survey of the Kingdom: Kingdom at Creation – Part 1

Narratives on the Kingdom of God literally bookend the Bible.  The kingdom’s loss and expectation of its restoration is the very saga of the Scriptures.  This is the theme of the Bible and the overall story it tells.  The kingdom was active at creation, in the Garden of Eden, with God, Adam and Eve.  We […]

The Millennial Temple: His Sanctuary Shall Rise – Part 8

These numerous details on Ezekiel’s temple and on the work within require that they be taken seriously.  The exact measurements and point-by-point instruction are nothing like portions of Scripture that are to be understood symbolically, such as the great image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Dan. 2), or John’s vision of the seven-horned and seven-eyed Lamb (Rev. […]

The Millennial Temple: the Prince of Feasts – Part 7

The prince over Israel is a key millennial figure. His largely feast-centered duties are detailed in Ezekiel 45:9-46:18.  In Israel’s past she was often ruled by unjust princes that would expropriate property from the people and manipulate the currency (45:9-12).  God will no longer allow this with the installment of David as His prince in […]

The Millennial Temple: the Altar of Sacrifice – Part 5

The altar of sacrifices’ design and statutes for its sanctification are given in Ezekiel 43:13-27.  The altar sits in the inner court before the temple proper (Ezek. 40:47).  The base is one-and-a-half feet high.  It is surrounded by a one-and-a-half foot wide trench or gutter with a nine inch high top edge, undoubtedly for draining […]

The Millennial Temple: the Messiah’s House in Shiloh – Part 1

The Book of Ezekiel’s final nine chapters are among the most fascinating in all of Scripture. Despite this, they are all too often ignored by the majority of Christians. One of the reasons for this is that many students of Scripture simply do not know what to make of what they are reading. For the […]