The Ten Commandments Were Written on Sapphire Tablets From God’s Throne

Ten Commandments Sapphire

The majority of Christians think of the Ten Commandments as being inscribed on tablets of grey stone. However, rabbinical Judaism as found in the Talmud and Mishnah teaches that the tablets of the law were made of sapphire.[1] This was done to point to God’s creation in the heavens and to His throne.  The Talmud and Mishnah are far from being authoritative and even blasphemous in several respects, especially when teaching on Yeshua (Jesus).  Nevertheless, that does not mean that everything taught in rabbinical Jewish tradition is inaccurate.  Ancient tradition is especially useful in understanding what the Jewish people held to on scores of topics.  Scripture itself corroborates much of what the tradition has to say regarding the sapphire Ten Commandments.

and they saw the God of Israel.  There was under his feet as it were a pavement of sapphire stone, like the very heaven for clearness.  Exodus 24:10 (ESV)

Moses and the rest of Israel’s leadership were given the profound privilege of seeing God.  God appeared in the person of the Son as He expresses God’s image to man (cf. John 1:18; 14:9).  Under God’s feet was something that appeared to be sapphire.  The Hebrew cappiyr (pronounced sap-peer’) can either be translated as a sapphire or lapis lazuli.  It is from this pavement that God carved out the tablets upon which He wrote the law as recorded in Exodus 24:12:

The LORD said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and wait there, that I may give you the tablets of stone, with the law and the commandment, which I have written for their instruction.”

The stone from which the tablets were fashioned almost certainly refers to that which appeared to be sapphire only two verses earlier.  The sapphire is the only type of stone mentioned in the context.  It would be a leap to conclude that the tablets were made from any type of stone other than that which was recorded.  Unfortunately, many do not even consider the sapphire tablets an option because they have been unconsciously influenced by western images of the Ten Commandments.  No doubt that the Charleton Heston film alone has cemented certain imagery into the culture (a fine movie in any respect).

It is even a distinct possibility that the tablets were carved from God’s throne.  Consider Ezekiel 1:26:

Above the expanse over their heads was something like a throne, resembling a sapphire stone.  Above the shape of the throne was a figure of human appearance.

The figure upon this throne was the likeness of the glory of YHWH (Ezek. 1:28).  Like the appearance of God to the elders of Israel, this too was God in the person of the Son.  These two accounts of God appearing are of such a similarity that it is reasonable to conclude that the sapphire foundation and the sapphire throne are one in the same.  Not only were the tablets written on by God, but they were themselves a work of God (Ex. 32:16).  They were then of supernatural origin.  The tablets coming from God’s throne is consistent with both the narrative and the foundational importance of God’s law.

Even today it is evident that the color blue is important to both observant Jews and secular Israel.  The color was intended to remind the Israelites to observe God’s law.  Numbers 15:37-39:

The LORD said to Moses, “Speak to the people of Israel, and tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a cord of blue on the tassel of each corner.  And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the LORD, to do them, not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after. 

With the idea of tablets of sapphire in mind, it becomes obvious why a cord of blue would make the wearer mindful of the law.  It makes all the more sense that Isaiah would foresee Israel being blessed with a foundation of sapphires (Is. 54:11).

Why does the Torah enjoin us regarding techelet? Because techelet resembles sapphire, and the Tablets were made of sapphire, to tell you that as long as Bnei Yisrael gaze upon this techelet they are reminded of what is inscribed on the Tablets and observe the commandments, therefore it is written, ‘And you shall see it [the techelet string] and remember all of the commandments of G-d and you shall do them.’

– Mishnat Rabbi Eliezer, Chap. 14

[1] Obadiah Bertinoro on Mishnah, Avot 5:6.  Cf.  Babylonian Talmud, Nedarim 38a.  Note the value of the pieces of the broken tablets.


  1. ex33 moses in the camp was met by God in the tent. ex34 moses near the camp was instructed to chisel out the second set of tablets for God to write on.

    Was Gods throne in this tent? most likely not. Did moses find sapphire lying around to chisel out tablets. Most probably not

    To contend the second set of tablets were carved from sapphire is a stretch.
    Toe believe the Talmud above the bible is a larger stretch.

    perhaps a wonderful story

    • Matthew Ervin says

      First, note that the article does not make a claim regarding the second set of tablets. The narrative concerns the creation of the first. Where did you glean that this was about the second set? That being said, it’s entirely plausible that Moses was provided with sapphire to make the second if the first were made with the precious stone. It matters to what degree the tablets were, “like” the first (Ex. 34:1).

      Second, to suggest that this article elevates the Talmud above the Bible is dishonest. The very first paragraph assures the reader that this is not the case and even criticizes both the Talmud and Mishnah. Scripture itself is looked to in order to see if the tablets could have been made of sapphire. While the answer is not definitive, the conclusion was simply that there was sufficient evidence to support the possibility of the thesis.

      Thank you for the comment.

      • Well said. Thanks

      • Richard W Ramey says

        The thread of blue they were to see into the Gen was a reminder of Gods law.
        Isa. 54: 11.
        God could have provided the sapphire and moses chiseled it .
        Which is more likely that the law /rock was still blue like the hem in the garment it represented.
        Makes no sence for them to see blue in fir the law but the rock of the law changed different color/type

      • What difference does it make what kind of stone the Commandments were written on? That was the ministry that brought death.

        2Co 3:7 – Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone , came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was,

        2Co 3:9 – If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness!

        Christians are under the ministry that brings righteousness

    • Jonathan says

      Actually, it was right in the midst of the “cleft of the rock” visitation that Moses had with God (where His face was glowing from being in God’s presence) that he received the second set of commandments, so yes – it was ENTIRELY possible that God provided the stone for the cutting of the second set of commandments.

      • Matthew Ervin says

        Good point.

      • I was thinking the clef of the rock so moses could not see his face was at the burning bush, not 40 yr later giving of law ?

      • After the first set destroyed the idolaters, the second set was never to be looked upon by anyone. Even the priest was not allowed to look into the the ark. Makes sense that the stone would have been cut from the Creators throne. It’s eternal. Even the blue sky reminds us of His Creative Glory.

      • Ronald Bortmas says

        I agree Jonathan. Who is to say God didn’t speak the Sapphire tablets into existence.

      • I just finished reading this section of Exodus and I’m not sure if anyone noticed but Moses actually made the replacement tablets before he went back up the mountain to speak with God. I’m thinking that the 2nd tablets were not made from sapphire or made from God since God told Moses to make a replacement tablet in the form of the first tablets.

    • Although the text does have Moes this carving out the tablets, that does not contradict that they were made of sapphire. There is a long history of the Summarians and the Akkadians using lots of Lapis Lazuli which they would get from a distant mountain range. And they considered it sacred.

      The article conjectures that they were from the throne room or throne itself with no evidence just speculation. But that doesn’t negate the record claiming they were Lapis Lazuli or sapphire.

    • If God can create the whole earth in 6 days (literal days) what makes you think that there was no sapphire for Moses to carve out and what makes you think God was not helping Moses. God can do anything if you let him. If you allow him to help you and he can create anything in an instant. BELIEVE.

    • Patrick Munsami says

      Exo 34:1  AND Yahuah said unto Mosheh, Hew you two caphire stones like unto the first: and I will write upon these caphires the words that were in the first caphires, which you broke.  – this would indicate the second set was indeed sapphire,

      @William if you honestly believe that the law was the ministry of death (that is not the intended reading of that passage – Paul was writing to a largely gentile church in corinth whose view was thus inclined) please conisder that the messiah IS the word made flesh!!!

      it is “the ten WORDS” not laws, not commandment, you have ing the freedom to disobey is the proof of his love, and those ten words the foundation for redemption!

  2. Matthew, this is an excellent article.

    The pavement before the throne was not a sheet – but a pavement. It was made of tiles based on the Hebrew wording. Either one tile was cut in half or two were used.

    First I’ve always wondered why Jesus said that wine represented his blood, since wine is purple. The answer is found in the three distinct colors of the tabernacle tapestries and garments. They become immediately clear when you understand that the blue represents the perfect law of righteousness carved from the very pavement of the throne of God. The blue represents the perfect law, the scarlet the blood of atonement, the purple represents the blood mixed with the law – or the fulfillment of law and blood. If you blend the two colors Sapphire and Scarlet which can be done online in any number of tools, voila – the color is purple.

    The reason the wine is the blood of the new covenant which is by the way reference to two distinct things – covenant and blood – is that it is the picture of atoning blood applied to God’s righteous law. The disciples were consuming a picture of the finished covenant of grace.

    According to the Talmud and other Jewish sages, each tablet was 1x1x 1/2 cubits so when they were put together made a cube 1x1x1 cubit in size Even more, the ark of the covenant was sized precisely to fit both sets of the law, the original sapphire tablets and the hewn tablets – making final dimensions of the two sets together 1 x 1 x 2 cubits. The ark was 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.5 cubits. My point is that the ark was made to accommodate both sets of the law. That which God created, and that which Moses cut with just a little extra room inside.

    I think you are absolutely right on the money.

    Blessings… great digging!

    • Both sets of the law were put in the ark? The first one was broken. Where did the bible say there were two sets in the ark?
      The info on the colors of the temple is awesome. thanks.

      • Great question. First there has to be an assumption that the Jewish sages were correct in stating that when the two tablets of the law were put face to face it created a 1 cubit sized cube. If that’s true then the size of the interior of the ark is significant.

        To be clear, I didn’t state they were both in the Ark. Some Jewish sages suggest it but it’s impossible to know from the bible. What I said it was that the Ark was made to accommodate both, only meaning that both could fit inside. Probably was too dramatic of statement on my part “made to” implies intent and we don’t know God’s intent. I could have said, “It’s curious that the Ark had specific capacity to fit both sets of stone tablets.”

        That would certainly be consistent with idea of God’s covenant, God’s grace, God’s mercy, and God’s redemption, always being broader and possessing more capacity than the failures of man.

        Happy digging.

        • Like the Ark with the capacity to contain every living soul on the planet, if they had believed Noah.

        • Could the two be implyed as both parties having a copy of testament/covenant ?
          Could it be implyed that man (israel) had the broken one (they could not keep -we will obey….) ?
          Just thinking out loud and have not read any verses for it.

          • Donald Glen Schultz says

            The first set was destroyed because of their idolatry, was ground up and put into their water that they may drink it. The symbolism there is obvious. They ingested the law.

          • Replying to Donald Glen Schultz: Exodus 32:20 “Seizing the calf they had made, he melted it in the fire and ground it to powder, which he scattered on the water. Then he made the people of Isra’el drink it.”
            It was ground gold they ingested. It was their idol they were made to consume.

  3. Excellent article. Thanks for the help with this week’s Parsha preparation. Lord bless your efforts.

  4. Wow this is beautiful. Just one more point I can use to pass the word to the unsuspecting and believers that the “law” was abolished at the cross. The 613 Mosaic Laws were written in a “book” and kept at the side of the Ark of the Covenant, while the 10 Laws of GOD written with His finger on stone taken from His Throne were kept protectively inside the Ark of the Covenant under His Shekinah Glory….this brings tears to my eyes. Glory Hallelujah! What a sight that must have been!!!

    • James Duncan says

      The term “Mosaic Law” was used when the first five books of the Bible, the Torah, were names “Moses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.” All 613 Commandments were given by God. The Bible clearly says this. Hebrew uses different words for babbinical additions to and interpretations of the Law of God. There are thousands of additions and

      The Ten Declarations (“Aseret HaDvarim”) as the Bible refers to the text written on the Tablets of Proof contains 14 Commandments.
      1: It is commanded to have faith in the existence of HaShem, and in his complete and unfettered power.

      2: It is forbidden to recognize the option of worshiping anything other than HaShem (the God od Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).

      3: It is forbidden to make idols for yourself (for any follower of HaShem). This refers to anything that can reasonably be expected to become an object of worship.

      4: It is forbidden to worship idols in the four ways given to us in the Torah for the worship of HaShem (prostrations, animal offerings, burning incense, pouring out a libation offering).

      5: It is forbidden to show respect towards idols in the ways of idolatry and Paganism.

      6: It is forbidden to use of the Name of God in any pointless, disrespectful, or deceitful way.

      7: It is required to separate the Sabbath for HaShem’s purposes.

      8: It is forbidden to do mlakha (drudgery) on Sabbath. (Avodah (service to God and mankind) is permitted – Religious Services, Law enforcement, military service, medical service, emergency services, and what must be provided at all times to protect and save lives.)

      9: It is required to honor one’s parents on all levels.

      10: It is forbidden to violate the Covenant of Marriage or mock the Institution of Marriage.

      11: It is forbidden to murder another person (killing motivated by hatred) or to intentionally commit actions that make a person wish that he or she was dead. Taking human life in self defense, national defense, mercy killing, suicide, and in the execution of a capital conviction are permitted.

      12: It is forbidden to steal people (kidnap and enslave people). (theft of objects is forbidden in another part of the Torah (in Leviticus)

      13: It is forbidden to make false accusation against another person or allow a third party’s false accusations to go unopposed if you have knowledge that the accusation is false or if the accusation has not been proved (suspicions cannot be stated as facts)

      14: It is forbidden to covet. Covetous is not just desiring to achieve what another has accomplished; rather it is resenting other people for those things with which God has blessed them.

      • I have to question when a commandment is broken down into several other commandments of same topic.
        This is too much like man having to break it down into small parts when one can cover it all. Seen by the example of the Roman church dividing the comandment against coveting into two different commands. God original had one command against covet. Man thinks he has to define it into parts.
        Just personal thought .

        • D. G. Schultz says

          I agree. And the Catholic Church eliminated one (idolatry) and that is why they had to split one in order to have ten. We should not manipulate the word of God. Opens us up to error.

          • The Catholic Church never removed any of the commandments, they follow St. Augustine’s numbering of the 10 Commandments, and it’s 1st commandment is identical to what Jews consider to be the 2nd commandment (no Christian denomination uses what Jews consider the 1st commandment as the 1st commandment in their preferred numbering of the 10 Commandments, although we are perfectly allowed to do so,) so St. Augustine had to split “Thou shalt not covet” into two commandments to get the number up to 10, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant christians follow Origen’s numbering of the 10 Commandments, and they don’t split the command against coveting into two, but they do split the commandment against idolatry into two.

    • No Judy, it was NOT just the 10 commandments written on the 2 stone tablets. Exodus 24:12 states that “ALL OF THE LAW and commands” were written on the 2 tablets. Exodus 37 even states that the tablets were both written on FRONT AND BACK.

  5. What a beautiful article. The possibility of this is absolutely profound. Thank you so much!

  6. Karev Krassimir says

    The original “terrible crystal” (see Ezekiel 1:22) CANNOT BE BROKEN! Through this crystal has become the creation of the this world. When this very special crystal works – it radiates Light (see Genesis 1:3). That – it was broken – this is a later fiction and an addition by the Jewish priests fine-tuned the Old Testament texts. This original crystal – contained special “software” written by Lord Yahweh inside the sapphire, containing the commandments for the movement of the heavenly bodies in the Solar System – “I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.” (Isaiah 45:12). After King Solomon, when this original sapphire/crystal was hidden, the Jews took two ordinary stone tablets and an iron chisel, with a diamond tip, engraved on the plain stones of the 10 commandments of God – “The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart”. But the true “commandments” of the Lord were recorded by the Lord within that special crystal – “And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tables”. This is how it is shown where the text has changed slightly – it was not engraved on the surface of the plates, and the commands (not the 10 commands!) were written inside the crystal like a chip… The Jews have elevated Moses’ authority and the 10 commandments of God’s commandments, but this is a GREAT LIE! “Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.” (Luke 11:52). This original crystal – is hidden – here on Earth.

  7. Good morning!

    I’m at work and was sharing with someone about God’s throne being made of sapphire. My Google search brought me here and you ALL have done a great job in collaborating some real good information. I appreciate the notes and the hint of kindness on this thread. Thank you and keep up the GOOD work.

  8. The only problem with the theory lay in the fact these heavenly sapphire tablets, engineered by Yahweh Himself, broke when Moses threw them down [Exodus 32:19]. Sapphire can only be cut by diamond and is itself a cutting stone. Could such solid material break on impact? That would imply flaws in the stone, impossible if quarried out of heaven itself. They were probably basalt.

    • It’s possible, depending on how thin the glass was cut. Was researching this very question when I found this, even though it applies to a watch face made of sapphire. Remember, the tablets had to be very small that Moses could carry them both in 1 hand (Exodus 34:4).

      Tried to reply but it didn’t show up, maybe because it wont let me post external links. Anyway, google ‘sapphire isn’t as durable as you think”, regarding sapphire Apple Watch screens, interesting how fragile it is, I suppose it all depends on how its cut. Also, in the 2nd set at least, Moses cut them, and God wrote on them.

    • Anne Lineberry says

      I found this site because I heard the tablets made of sapphire idea on a fictional tv show and I had never heard it before.

      I felt compelled to add some generally accepted scientific observations concerning sapphire.

      First, sapphire is composed of aluminum oxide, which is clear. the basic mineral is called corundum and it comes in many colors. The black flecks on an emery board are corundum. Rubies are also corundum. The colors are caused by impurities in the aluminum oxide. In the case of rubies, the additive is chromium.

      Corundum, alone, scores 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness. The only substance measuring higher is diamond, at 10.

      Brittleness is a different matter, however. Corundum is brittle, meaning it can be shattered. Think of the facets on a sapphire or even a diamond. They don’t have to be made by diamonds – they can be done with a much “softer” metal tool.

      Galileo said, “Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the universe.”

      I believe he meant to invoke the laws of physics and how they are the recipe for all creation. If aluminum oxide contains impurities, then it isn’t “perfect.” However, the impurities create something even more breathtaking – and the argument can be made that it is the impurities that in fact MAKE the stone perfect.

      To state that something breakable isn’t perfect leaves out the possibility of something being perfectly breakable.

      I mentioned that chromium makes rubies red. But what makes sapphires blue?

      The answer seems, to me, amazingly profound. Sapphires aren’t actually blue; they APPEAR to be blue to the eye. Why? Because of the interaction of the electrons of the two impurities contained in the blue sapphire; titanium and ferrous iron.

    • Patrick Munsami says

      go research fracture and cleavage properties of sapphire … nutshell version extremely resistant to scratching and wearing, but prone to stress fracture. so once again gods word..inerrant and true

  9. Praise God!,
    Untold truth is finally revealed

  10. Totally love this article! Thanks Matt. Blue is definitely God’s favorite color.

  11. Moses made the replacement copy of the covenant from the original stone. Now the LORD said to Moses, “Cut out for yourself two stone tablets like the former ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the former tablets which you shattered.

    • Levi, it’s always proper to begin with a literal reading, and, you may be correct. But there are a few things to consider.

      The Hebrew word in the Masoretic text just says “according to the first” so your understanding might be taking the text too concretely to suggest they were the same material. The sages suggested that the tablets were exactly 1 cubit square when put together 1x1x.5 each which explains the size of the cavity in the Ark. “According to” might refer to the shape rather than the material. The LXX, which is older than the Masoretic text by nearly a 1000 years, uses the the word καθὼς, kathos which can include the idea of being “in proportion to”.

      The second point comes from the context. In 34:1 Moses is commanded to cut the stones from the Mountain but in the delivery of the first set the text of Exodus 31 is absent any reference to the origin of the tablets or that they were hewn, or cut from the mountain. The text merely says that they were inscribed by the finger of God. In both cases, if you read literally, God only inscribed upon both them. That leaves the question, if neither was cut by God but only inscribed upon, where did the first come from?

      Something to think about.

      • Matt atwood says

        Does the jar of mana and Aarons staff still fit into the ark, with 2 sets of tablets in the ark?

        Originally Moses had 2 tablets, written on both sides. Did YHWH write the “mosaic law” on one tablet, and his 10 commandments on the other tablet? If so, the mosaic law being a cube of 1x1x.5 cubits would be odd, seeing as it was to be placed on the outside of the ark.

        I’m not accepting of denying anything. Just have never considered any of this before, and I feel I have more heresy than facts when trying to make a thought of this.

        • Mike Blondino says

          Matt, nothing is above question. To search is the glory of man!

          People often cite Hebrews 9:4 as their reference as to what was in the ark but Hebrews isn’t actually exhaustive because it does not include the book of Moses mentions at the end of Deuteronomy.

          Heb. 9.4 (ESVS) …and the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold, in which was a golden urn holding the manna, and Aaron’s staff that budded, and the tablets of the covenant.

          The items reportedly placed into the Ark of the Covenant, were; The hewn stone tablets (Deut 10:5); The golden jar of manna (Ex. 16.33); The almond staff of Aaron (Num 17:10-11); Finally, the last item placed in the Ark was the book of the law that Moses wrote (Deut. 31.24-26). I’m unclear if the “testimony” was the stone tablets or the writings of Moses, or the “book of the covenant” which was written while the Israelites were at Sinai during the first year in the wilderness (Ex. 24.7) or if that was incorporated in the Torah. So there remains the possibility that there as many as 6 unique items in the ark or as few as 4. Just to be clear, it should be noted that only the tablets remained in the ark as of 1Kings 8.9.

          Regarding the sapphire tablets. I found something in the LXX which supports the idea of the sapphire cube view. The word used to describe the “pavement” (Ex. 24.10) is translated “brick” by the Jewish scholars of the 3rd Century B.C. This helps us understand why the sages held the first tablets were made from the pavement. Nowhere does Torah tell us that the first tablets were hewn by God. Rather they were only inscribed by God. So nobody apparently hews the first tablets.

          I hope this helps clarify. Happiness on your pursuit of understanding.

          • B. Green says

            “Take this Book of the Law, and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there as a witness against you;
            Deuteronomy 31:26

            Moses’s law was placed beside the ark, not in the ark.

            Moses most likely wouldn’t be able to carry the tablets composed of one cubit square of stone. That’s like carrying a boulder down from the mountain. These were most likely thin pieces of slate of some sort.

          • M. Blondino says

            To B. Green: It is possible that “this book of the law” only referred to Deuteronomy, but I stand corrected on where Moses was commanded to place this book of the law. Deuteronomy however was the witness against the people, not the rest of the law.

            Regarding the stone tablets. Yes, naturally speaking any stone tablet would be very heavy, especially the size specified in the Talmud. That said the first ones were not hewn, so most likely they were pavement. The second ones were hewn by Moses. If the true site of Sinai is actually East of Midian then almost certainly the second tablets were made of granite. The Talmud tells us the first tablets were Sapphire or Lapis Lazuli, and were each 1x1x 1/2 Cubits.

  12. Marcia M Fabre says

    And that my dear friends is the instruction from heaven on sapphire. To love God and your neighbor.

  13. Yes,
    Love God – in commandments 1 to 4.
    Love Neighbor – in commandments 5 to 10.

    Love God, ……. Love Neighbor.
    On these TWO hang all the law – 1 to 10.

  14. Wes Stone says

    Anyone who believes in God should understand that scripture the Bible came from is as important if not more so, being that we know mistakes were made in the translation, and a lot was left out. If God had a hand in writing the scripture before the Bible, and king James ordered the English translation, why would we ever consider man’s work, even as good as it is, over that of God’s?

  15. Wow this is amazing. I was reading in Exodus and noticed that it said that Moses had to carve out the second set of tablets and then I googled if God carved out the first set. And then found this article. Very intriguing, also because I believe there is a firmament just as the Bible teaches us. Also, whether Sapphire can break or not, does not matter really because God can do anything

  16. It is interesting to me that the word Sapphire in English is so close to the original Hebrew word, ספיר (sappir) which is from the root word, ספר, (saphar) “to count/recount”. Also the word for book ספר (Hebrew: “cepher”) is likewise derived from this root.
    Thus, a sapphire stone is a recounting stone, one that tells an account. In other words, a book. The Hebrew word itself would certainly seem to point to the sapphire as being a fitting stone upon which to engrave or embed God’s words and the account of His dealings with man.

  17. Exo 34:1 – And the LORD said to Moses, “Cut two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke.

    Did Moses cut more sapphire from God’s throne?

    • Matthew Ervin says

      The question is “like” in what way? In every single way? Or in that they both had the same words on them?

  18. Catherine Caldwell says

    I’ve heard several preachers speak on the tablets being sapphire, thank you for the content, and so many who contributed useful information and commentary. I really did enjoy reading through all this. Have you ever heard of there being sapphire on God’s jaw? I can’t recall where I heard something like that before, but I wondered if you had anything you could share on that.

  19. Catherine Caldwell says

    My second Post — Also, I wanted to mention that it is important to realize that the Jews handed down the stories, and the revelations that they knew of that were kept in their own possession and archives, and recorded very carefully. I think people have difficulty seeing the supernatural of God in general, they want to bring God into the culture and mindset of now, which is not even close to the way that God is and how He works among men. I understand that anything can be stretched so that it is no longer close to the truth, but the Jewish people/priests and scribes feared the LORD. If they made a mistake in their transcribing, they carefully removed the page, and started over — it was even handled as something sacred. So I am not so willing to throw out the whole of what is given and say that it has no merit. As for raising up the Talmud and Mishna higher than the scriptures — we don’t even discuss the scriptures in the manner that the Jews had for centuries — they spent their lives reading, studying and writing in regard to the scriptures — so their commentaries are no slight idea of man. These were discussed, debated, and it was to them a sacred practice to look deeply into the scriptures. So I am aware of possible stretches in their interpretations, but also aware of the fact that they had the scriptures and handed them down carefully to each generation. There is so much hidden in their Hebrew language that we as English speaking people do not even grasp. So much hidden in the names and generations that if you don’t search it out, you don’t know how God left special messages of Yeshua/Jesus in the lineage. Most people read on the surface what is written in the English scriptures, and never research the language in the original Hebrew, and the roots that also affect meanings of words, and even the individual letters and how they speak into the meaning. Seriously, we are not well educated in the scriptures, as we only read the surface. Hebrew is a very deep and revelatory language that God created, and we need to study from that point to begin to understand what God is saying. I hope this will inspire many to go back to the original language, and study more deeply the words God spoke and that God had men write down, that we might understand the truth of His word on a completely new level. It’s there, but you have to search to find it.

  20. Catherine Caldwell says

    Only one comment about the sapphire not being discovered until several hundred years later. Remember God as the creator, and I’m sure it was created well before anyone discovered it, so can’t really say that it didn’t exist then. Can we? Just a thought.

  21. I’ve learned a lot from reading everybody’s comments, I’m doing a Torah study on the 10 Commandments this Sabbath and was looking for more information about them and now I’m reading that might be as many as 14 Commandments so the more I look for answers and more questions I come up with but that happens all the time when we dig into the Scriptures but I do appreciate a wide spectrum of knowledge and opinion on this matter. Has anybody else come up with any brilliant, like a sapphire, Ideas that might fit into my presentation.? New line back to this idea of the original stones being of sapphire, I believe that what we think of the sapphire today wasn’t even discovered for several hundred more years so it was very likely when they talked about the sapphire stones or pavement that he was talking about either lapis, lapis lazuli, or perhaps pure lazurite which would be trans parent or translucent. Lapis or Lapiz lazuli has calcite in it and also iron pyrite which makes it opaque.
    So if it was written from a heavenly stoner gym it would make sense that it be made from pure lazurite which would be transparent or translucent and pure of any other minerals, this would be especially important ifThe words were also written inside the stone in the first case, by the finger, or creation of God.
    I was at the East Texas gem and rock show last weekend I saw many examples of beautiful lapis but I didn’t find any or any significant size pieces of lazurite which is much more expensive, Lapis is a very beautiful deep blue that really stands out and I bought a small piece, to illustrate the color which I use in my Torah portion.
    For a little bit of comic relief remember the male Brooks movie, the history of the world part two where he portrays Moses coming down the mountain with three tablets with five commands on each one and he stumbles in fumbles and drops one of them just about the time he was gonna say I have 15 Commandments he changed it quickly too I have two because he only had two tablets left.
    By the way Thats Hollywood please don’t Put any meaning more than it’s humorous purpose.


  22. Catherine Caldwell says

    Donius, it sounds like a very interesting study you are doing. I’m so glad to hear that you are digging deeper into the scriptures. There are so many treasures hidden in the original language — we have nothing equivalent to the Hebrew in English, no transliteration really touches on the depth of what is really written in the scriptures from the original Hebrew language. There is such a wealth in the Hebrew language that the English cannot even begin to touch. Keep inspiring others to dig deeper into the original language — it is true about Hebrew as much as about the Greek language — which I’m sure you know. God bless!


  1. waterco w250 says:

    waterco w250

    The Ten Commandments Were Written on Sapphire Tablets From God’s Throne

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