This article is part of a series on Old Testament Christophanies. For important background information, see An Introduction to Old Testament Christophanies–with Justin Martyr. It is especially useful to read the article on Jesus in Exodus 23. Justin Martyr, the famed second-century church father, understood that it was the Son speaking to Moses from Sinai. And […]
Justin Martyr Said That God’s Name, Jesus, Was Declared Mysteriously Through Moses
Filed Under: Ante-Nicene Church Fathers, Christophanies, Theophanies Tagged With: Angel of the LORD, Angel of Yahweh, Exodus 23, Justin Martyr
Yahweh’s Name is in Him: Jesus in Exodus 23

This article is part of a series on Old Testament Christophanies. For important background information, see An Introduction to Old Testament Christophanies–with Justin Martyr. The Lord’s instructions from Sinai included a promise that the Angel would lead the Israelites into the Promised Land: “Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along […]
Filed Under: Christophanies, Targumim, Theophanies Tagged With: Angel of the LORD, Christophany, Exodus 23, Jesus in the Old Testament, John 14, Metatron, Old Testament Christophany, Son of God in the Old Testament, Theophany, Zagnugael
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