Papias Said Judas Was an Amillennialist

The Ante-Nicene Church Father Irenaeus taught extensively on Chiliasm (the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus upon the Earth beginning after His Second Coming) in his fifth book of Against Heresies.  In chapter thirty-three, Irenaeus provides further proofs … [Continue reading]

Being a Son of Abraham Does Not Make You a Son of Jacob

Scripture allows for those who have not physically descended from Abraham to nevertheless be referred to as sons of Abraham.  This has led many to conclude that Gentiles in Christ become Israelites or even constitute the true or, “spiritual Israel.”  … [Continue reading]

The Jews Were Supposed to Return to the Land in Disobedience

Those who question or deny that the return of the Jews to the Promised Land beginning in 1948 was a fulfillment of prophecy often appeal to the people’s continued rejection of God.  After all, the returns from the Babylonian captivity under … [Continue reading]

American Vision Accuses Ray Comfort of Incompetence and Dishonesty

Joel McDurmon of the Preterist organization American Vision recently produced a hit piece against the evangelist Ray Comfort, which at the time this article was published could be found here.  McDurmon was criticizing the latest Comfort produced … [Continue reading]

The Seven Feasts of Israel are Fulfilled in Jesus

INTRODUCTION In Leviticus 23 we find the most comprehensive record of how the Israelites were commanded by God to observe seven feasts over a period of seven months.  The Hebrew for feasts, moadim is strictly translated as appointed times.  Four … [Continue reading]

Martin Luther Wants to Beat Sola Fide Into Your Head

In his commentary on Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians, Martin Luther famously stated: Here I must take counsel of the Gospel, I must hearken to the Gospel, which teaches me, not what I ought to do (for that is the proper office of the law), but … [Continue reading]

J.C. Ryle Challenges You on the Meaning of ‘Israel’

The great 19th century theologian and Anglican Bishop John Charles Ryle issued a simple challenge that has never been satisfactorily answered.  Below is the question in bold and the context in which it is found: The word ‘Israel’ is used nearly seven … [Continue reading]

The Song of Moses Makes a Distinction Between Israel and the Church

There are a myriad of ways to clearly demonstrate from the Bible that Israel and the Church (i.e. Body of Christ) are not to be understood as the same entity. Here let us consider the example rooted in the Song of Moses: “They have made me jealous … [Continue reading]

The Gospel of Matthew Was First Written in Hebrew

Though no copies are extant, there is good historical evidence that Matthew’s Gospel was first written in Hebrew.  Around 130 A.D., Church father Papias (a former student of the Apostle John) explained: So then Matthew wrote the oracles in the … [Continue reading]

The Star of Bethlehem Was the Shekinah Glory

Theories as to what the Star of Bethlehem was are myriad.  The usual answers look to celestial objects ranging from real stars to comets.  Indeed, the inquiry has been so wide sweeping that virtually every object appearing in the sky has been posited … [Continue reading]