Adam Died in that “Day” or Millennium

God told Adam that in the day that he ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil he would surely die (Gen. 2:17).  Adam did eat of the tree (Gen. 3:6) and nevertheless went on to live to the impressive age of 930 years (Gen. 5:5).  The most common explanation for the apparent […]

René Descartes Eats the Flying Spaghetti Monster

The, “Flying Spaghetti Monster” was created by an atheist in 2005 to protest the Kansas State Board of Education’s decision to allow for the teaching of Intelligent Design.  Since then, the appeal to the entity as part of atheistic rhetoric has become increasingly popular.  Essentially, beliefs affirming the existence of God are mocked by saying […]

The Twenty-Four Elders of Revelation Listed By Name

The specific names of each of the twenty-four elders of Revelation[1] are as follows: Judah                             13. Peter Reuben                          14. Andrew Gad                 […]

The Millennial Kingdom’s Ecology

ANIMALS AND MAN IN HARMONY Much of the Millennium’s ecology can be understood from even a cursory reading of Isaiah 11:6-9: The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead […]

The Promised Land Covenant

The unconditional covenant covered here is commonly referred to as the, “Palestinian Covenant.”  This is a misnomer of the highest order due to it being rooted in anti-Semitism.  The Roman Emperor Hadrian renamed Judea, “Palestine” in an attempt to erase the Hebrew claim to the land (135 A.D.).  In modern times, the designation is incorrectly […]

Tertullian Reported that the New Jerusalem Appeared During His Lifetime

The Ante-Nicene Church Fathers as a whole are believed to have taught some unusual or bizarre doctrines.  Quite often this reputation stems from readers neglecting to understand the material carefully in its given context and not taking into account the different writing styles that were common to the ancients.  However, there are times when something […]

A Preterist Attempts to Interpret Zechariah 14

There are certain passages of Scripture that when taken out of context appear to support various forms of Preterism.  However, Preterism simply cannot stand under the weight of extensive prophetic narratives found throughout Scripture.  One such narrative is that of Zechariah 14.  This chapter is so favorable to futurist eschatology that the vast majority of […]

The Septuagint’s Use of, “Ekklesia” Does Not Indicate That Israel and the Church are One in the Same

Those who hold to various forms of Covenant theology believe that the Church (specifically, the Body of Christ) is the same entity as the believing Israelites in the Old Testament.  Thus, the Covenant theology adherent sees just one, “church.”  One of the most popular (and best) arguments for this belief is based on the Septuagint […]

The Millennial Kingdom’s Jerusalem Mountain

GEOGRAPHY AND ECOLOGY During the Millennium, the land surrounding Jerusalem will be transformed into a plain.  It will run from Geba in the north to Rimmon in the South (Zech. 14:10).[1]  The plain contrasts with the now highly lifted Jerusalem and King Jesus who will be ruling from the summit (Zech. 14:9-10).  Jerusalem’s mountain will […]

“Covenant” Theology Really is Replacement Theology

The term, “Replacement Theology” is most commonly used by the critics of those who believe that the Church (or Body of Christ) has replaced Israel in God’s prophetic plan.  The promises made to Israel in the covenants are now transferred to the Church. Those who are accused of holding to, “Replacement Theology” (especially those in […]