Methodius or Eubulius lived from 260-312 A.D. and served as bishop of both Olympus and Patara in Lycia. Jerome records that he was transferred to the See of Tyre in Phoenicia. He suffered martyrdom at Chalcis in Greece or possibly in Syria. Methodius is best known as a critic of Origen and his allegorical method […]
The Premillennialism of Tertullian
Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus, referred to by Jerome as Tertullian, was the father of Latin Christianity and of western theology. He was born somewhere between A.D. 145 to 160 in Carthage and died somewhere between A.D. 220 to 240. Tertullian was a skilled theologian, with an aptitude for apologetics and polemics against various heresies. His […]
The Premillennialism of Justin Martyr
Perhaps the most overtly premillennial ante-Nicene Church father was Justin Martyr. He was a Gentile born around 114 and was martyred in 165 A.D. He was a follower of Plato until he became a disciple of Jesus. Justin identified the Gospel as the only true philosophy and became an evangelist, proclaiming that truth.[1] It would […]
The Premillennialism of Papias
Alongside Polycarp, Papias was a student of the apostle John. He was the bishop of Hierpolis in Phrygia and was martyred in 163 AD (around the same time that Polycarp was martyred). In addition to enjoying friendship with the apostle John, Papias intimately knew several others who had been alive to interact with Jesus and […]
The Premillennialism of Irenaeus
Irenaeus lived from A.D. 120 to 202, and he served as the bishop of the church in what is now Lyon France. He was a pupil of the bishop of Smyrna and martyr Polycarp[1], himself a student of the apostle John. Irenaeus being only one teacher removed from the disciple whom Jesus loved (e.g. John […]
Jesus Warned Israel of the Times of the Gentiles in Luke 4
In this current period between the advents it is mostly Gentiles and not Jews who are being saved by coming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. The cardinal passage on this age is found in Romans 11:25: Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of […]
J.C. Ryle Warns You to Be Consistent in Witnessing to Jews
Bishop J.C. Ryle was well known for having a heart for the Jewish people and a desire for Christians to interpret prophecy by its plain language. The connection between the two is not surprising as a literal interpretation of prophecy anticipates a future remnant of Israel coming to know Jesus (e.g. Zech. 12:10). Ryle also […]
Let the Lion Roar Has a Message the Church Needs to Hear
Let the Lion Roar begins with a reading of Amos 3:7-8, from which the docu-drama gets its name. We are then introduced to our host and cardinal figure behind the project: Derek Frank. Frank explains that he was first given a vision in the early eighties during a high point in the charismatic movement. In […]
Millennial Offices are Assigned at the Bema Seat of Christ
Those who never came to have a saving knowledge of Jesus will face judgment before the Great White Throne. Because the unsaved do not have the blood of the Lamb to cover their sins (Rom. 3:25), God will judge them based on their works, find them guilty and then throw them into the lake of […]
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