This article is part of a series on Old Testament Christophanies. For important background information, see An Introduction to Old Testament Christophanies–with Justin Martyr.

At the age of 120, Moses was close to the end of his life, meaning the Israelites would soon need a new leader. In Deuteronomy 31, Moses called to Joshua, and in the sight of all Israel he told Joshua to be strong and courageous, for he would lead the people into the Promised Land. Moses also told Joshua not to fear, assuring him that the Lord would go before him (vv. 7–8). One of the Targums reads, “the Shekinah of the Word of the Lord will go before you.”[1] The Lord then instructed Moses to present himself and Joshua at the Tent of Meeting (v. 14). After the men had arrived, the Lord appeared so that He could personally commission Joshua.
The LORD appeared in the tent in a pillar of cloud, and the pillar of cloud stood at the doorway of the tent (Deut 31:15).
The wording suggests that the Lord stepped out of His pillar of glory to enter the tent. Regardless of what exactly transpired, this was surely an intimate moment between Moses, Joshua, and the Lord.
After giving Moses further instructions, the Lord completed Joshua’s commission:
Then He commissioned Joshua the son of Nun, and said, “Be strong and courageous, for you shall bring the sons of Israel into the land which I swore to them, and I will be with you” (Deut 31:23).
This is the first time on record that the Lord spoke directly to Joshua. Their communion ratified Joshua’s appointment as the leader of Israel, a position he had previously been called to when he received some of Moses’ authority (Num 27:15–23). Now both the Lord and Moses had told Joshua to be strong and courageous, since he would lead the people into the Promised Land. Earlier in Deuteronomy 31:3, Moses declared that the Lord would cross the Jordan River, into the land, and then he stated that Joshua would be the one to cross ahead of the people. Joshua would go before the people, but going before him would be the Lord Himself. Thus, Joshua would point to the true leader ahead of him, much like Moses had done. The Son of God would be with Joshua, as He had been with the patriarchs and Moses.
[1] Targum Pseudo-Jonathan on Deuteronomy 31:8.
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