Theories as to what the Star of Bethlehem was are myriad. The usual answers look to celestial objects ranging from real stars to comets. Indeed, the inquiry has been so wide sweeping that virtually every object appearing in the sky has been posited as the Bethlehem Star. However, when Scripture is examined the identity of the Star is evident. The Greek ἀστέρα or astera simply identifies a shining or gleaming object that is translated as star in Matthew 2:1-10. The magi specifically referred to it as, “His star” (v. 2) . In addition, the behavior of this Star alone is enough to discount any natural stellar phenomenon. The Star led the magi from the east to the west toward Jerusalem (vv. 1-4). Then the Star moved from the north to the south in Bethlehem (v. 9). The Star would disappear and then reappear before it finally came to hover over where Jesus was staying (vv. 7-9).
If not a regular stellar object then what exactly was the Star of Bethlehem? The synoptic narrative in Luke’s Gospel provides an answer:
And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. Luke 2:8-9 (ESV)
The glory of the Lord here is a powerful example of the Shekinah Glory. This type of glory is a visible manifestation of God’s presence come to dwell among men. The Shekinah was often accompanied by a heavenly host (e.g. Ezek. 10:18-19) and so it was at the birth of Christ (Luke 10:13). The Shekinah Glory declared Messiah’s birth to the shepherds (Luke 2:8-11). The Star of Bethlehem likewise declared to the magi that Messiah had arrived (Matt. 2:9-10). No doubt this is because Matthew and Luke were describing the same brilliant light in their respective gospels.
Although the Shekinah takes on various appearances in Scripture, it often appears as something very bright. This includes but is not limited to a flaming sword (Gen. 3:24), a burning bush (Ex. 3:1-5; Deut. 33:16), a pillar of cloud and fire (Ex. 13:21-22), a cloud with lightning and fire (Ex. 19:16-20), God’s afterglow (His “back”) (Ex. 33:17-23), the transfiguration of Jesus (e.g. Matt. 17:1-8), fire (Acts 2:1-3), a light from heaven (e.g. Acts 9:3-8) and the lamp of New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:23-24).
It was the Shekinah Glory that dwelled in the Holy of Holies. It was last in Solomon’s temple but departed as seen by Ezekiel (Ezek. 9:3; 10:4-19; 11:22-23). Haggai prophesied that the Shekinah Glory would return to the temple in Israel and in a superior way (Hag. 2:3; 2:9). And yet it would seem that this never happened for the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. Perhaps though the Shekinah did return. The Star of Bethlehem was the Shekinah Glory declaring the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and residing in His person. And why not? The Messiah was prophesied to come as a star (Num. 24:17), and Jesus is called the, “bright morning star” (Rev. 22:16). Jesus Himself said that His return would be as lightning flashing from the east (Matt. 24:27). The same direction that the Glory will come from as it fills the messianic temple (Ezek. 43:4-5). And it was from the east where the star of Bethlehem came from (Matt. 2:2).
Just about every theory has been proposed and keeps on being so because none can be rigorously and convincingly proved under any system. Except one, the one people don’t want to hear or at any rate not go far into because it’s astrological. Evidence in this realm can now be proved and reading back onto the original planetary data (itself relevant to messiahship and Israel) such as the name, place and concept asteroids and the Parts unknown at the time. With these the most complete portrait and biography of Jesus emerges. There is such a vast array of meaningful coincidences against all statistical probability it could not possibly not be Jesus’ birth chart, it’s exact as a fingerprint with even the ancestors written into the right place. But an arrogant dismissal of astrology by science and religion alike prevents the truth from being known. I give some outlines and a feature article that supply some current proofs for the still working data for Jesus issues here
It will be interesting to see if you or anyone replies. Even if they do I doubt any trouble would be taken to promote it no matter how true it is and after two thousand years as remarkable in its way as finding the DSS. Everyone ducks for cover and looks after their reputation in religion or academe and so doesn’t want to know. It’s easier to follow the glamorous biblical astronomy nonsense from Rick Larson whose film is misleading everyone not just about when Jesus was born but when he was crucified.
By your response I can assume that you do not find my explanation convincing. I work from the position of Sola Scriptura. If something can be explained by a considered exegesis of the Text then any derived answer is to be preferred over one that is based on primarily outside sources. Of course outside answers may be considered if Scripture is not clear on a given issue. What was it about my consideration of the Shechinah as the Star that made you dismiss it?
Thank you for the comment.
If you are claiming Sola Scriptura, why are you using a word found, I believe in the Koran and in Rabbinic writings but not in the Bible – i.e. shekina?
Sola Scriptura is the belief that ultimate authority is in God’s Word. It does NOT mean that you must only use words found in Scripture. Do you use any words not found in the Bible to describe observable things in the Bible? Do you use the word, “trinity” for example? Or heck, any English word at all, since they are not in Scripture. “Shekinah” describes the Glory of the Lord and how it has manifested itself in Scripture. It’s a quick way to encompass a larger explanation.
I’ve maintained for years that both what the Magi saw while in Persia and what they saw outside Jerusalem that led them to Messiah was supernatural not necessarily astrophysical. Since they only followed the “star” after consulting with Herod and that light moved ahead of them it could well be the Shechinah.
For many years now,that I learned about this “shinig object” from a known Messianic jew.teacher Arnold Fruchtenbaum,(He is teaching exactly the same thing regarding the appearance in Bethlehem…I agree with him and with you in this matter) S.D.G.
As a Messianic your article makes sense to me. The Shechinah Glory is considered the feminine side of G.d so why would she not be at the birth of the Christ child? It would be more disappointing to think it was ONLY a star or celestial event.
Scripture is the best commentary on Scripture. In Matthew 2:9 something very bright which can and does move, guided the wise men. The only other time in the biblical record that I see a bright light which moved and guided individuals from specific place to specific place is the Glory of God that led Israel.
If you track the glory departing eastward from Solomon’s temple you come to the Euphrates. Ezekiel then saw the glory come from the north. He saw this at the Chebar canal, just south of a parallel to Jerusalem. The glory is then on the same parallel to Bethlehem where it returned as the last of the exiles. Ezekiel’s prince returning to the east gate is symbolic of the Holy Spirit anointing Jesus at His baptism. Jesus is the real Temple prophesied by Ezekiel. The star is the chariot of the Lord.
I encourage you to read my work on the glory departing Israel in my book, The Divine Messenger.
I like you explanation of the “star of Bethlehem.” When I attended Dallas Theological Seminary in the mid seventies Dr Dwight Pentecost taught the same view. I’ve never come across a better explanation. Thanks for the biblical references. My sites are: bill and
Great work. I believed in your theory
I just concluded a study by a messianic Jew named Arnold Frukenbahn (Arial, ministries) and he feels in his series “Life of Messiah” that it was God’s Glory for pretty much all your reasons.
Extra one Arnold mentioned is a real star would have burned shepherds and house Jesus family was staying in when wise men arrived.
True, especially for one so close. I had Arnold as a professor actually, so he influenced me.
Thanks for reading and commenting! Merry Christmas to you and your family.