A Review of Caesar and the Church: A Biblical Study of Government and Church — by Anthony Forsyth

Anthony Forsyth’s Caesar and the Church: A Biblical Study of Government and the Church (January 2022) was published in the midst of the COVID-19 government mandated lockdowns and restrictions on churches in the United States. The book asked and answered a critical question for our time: Does Romans 13 mean that Christians must always obey […]

“He Will Reign Forever” is the 21st Century’s Cardinal Work on the Kingdom of God

Michael J. Vlach holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska, a M.Div. from the Master’s Seminary and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.  He has written several books, including “Has the Church Replaced Israel?: A Theological Evaluation,” which is an authoritative work on the titular subject.  Vlach […]

Tertullian Does Not Want You to Baptize Your Babies

John MacArthur has written a powerful work entitled “A Scriptural Critique of Infant Baptism.” My own awareness of this teaching came from an almost visceral anger toward it from paedobaptists (advocates of infant baptism). MacArthur has effectively given new life to the old debate on the practice of infant baptism. Both seminary trained theologians and […]